Coming up March 12th, 2025!
Available Wrestlers: Amazon, Carolina Cruz & Kaci Lennox.
Plus Chico Adams!
Just a small shoot, but not to be missed!
Payment & Outlines by March 8th, 2025.
Please-No step-by-step outlines & not too much dialog. The wrestlers know their part of this-do you want to see them in action or reading off a board?
Ideal outlines should be a few paragraphs at most with a premise for the match and some moves that you'd like to see. Too much crammed into too short a match and it slows down things down, it starts to make less sense and the wrestlers have to think more than act.
Longer, too intricate or powermove-heavy outlines will cost more.
If you picked them, trust them.
Outlines and payments due no later than soon.
No changes, no last minute outlines on & after that date. Spots are not guaranteed until outline has been approved and payment is in, and it's first in/first held.
A message from The Office:
As a way to expedite our shoots and to help with rising costs, we will now offer different levels of pricing for our custom matches.
If your outline is simple- IE: one or two paragraphs or a reasonable list of moves that you would like to see plus a finish, the pricing will stay the same as always.
For longer, more complicated outlines or multiple changes and/or emails back and forth, we will add a $25 or more fee. Matches chock full of high-impact moves will be priced on an individual basis.
We have to spend a lot more time working out complicated or heavily scripted outlines and so have to take less matches for the overall shoot. When this happens, we get less product per shoot, the wrestlers make less money, and travel expenses become less productive.
We hope you will understand why we are making this change. Please feel free to ask if an outline is too long or involved and we will work with you on it.
Please read through all of the below before submitting your outline because many questions are answered here:
We encourage you to simplify your outlines-Too much detail can impede the flow of your match. Also, if you're the type to tinker with your outline once it has been approved, please be ready to resend your altered outline in its entirety for re-approval each time. The fewer emails involved, the less chance of details getting lost, so read through your outline before you submit it.
We'll be glad to get the specifics of your match together and answer your questions. There will be additional charges for those projects that involve excess back and forth. Also, in this day of The Facebook and DMing, please be aware that we are filming and we are responsible for the final product. All aspects of attire and match content must go through and be approved by us regardless of what you and the wrestlers chat about.
Matches are typically mailed out no later than one week (7 days) after filming. That goes for the guy that buys one short match and for the guy that buys a bunch of longer matches. Even playing field when it comes to order filling, so please let us get the work done and wait for us to contact you.
You never know when someone that you've been taking for granted as always being around might become unavailable, so don't put off that project!
Card, as always, subject to change due to scheduling, injury and the like.
Maybe you'd like a match of your own?
SLAMminladies has got the connections.
We will keep you posted about our upcoming shoots and if you have an outline of a match you would like to see, we may just be able to make your dream match come true. If you don't see the wrestler you want on our SLAMmers list, please feel free to write to see if we could get them. Keep in mind geography plays a part in the booking though. Extra charges may be incurred if travel expenses are high. If you're willing to spend a little extra to bring someone in though, let us know!! Frequent Flyer mile donations are always welcome ;-)
Some information and rules about our customs:
Pro moves only and wrestlers wear their own gear unless agreed upon beforehand. Some of our wrestlers will wear one piece suits and some will not. Some will wrestle barefoot and some will not. It is up to them and we will not push the issue. If they say no, that's that. We like our shoots to be fun and enjoyable and like our wrestlers to be comfortable with the matches they have done for us.
We are not a catfighting or bikini wrestling site. There are plenty of those who are happy to cater to that style and do a good job of it. Please do not bother to ask us.
We also do not arrange or host sessions.
If you pick a specific wrestler please be aware of their style. If you ask a high flyer to do a bunch of power moves, it may not come out as well as you would like or we might have to turn it down for safety's sake.
Please do not expect a wrestler to change their whole persona for a match. If someone is used to doing comedy and is asked to be the serious wrestler for a match, it may not work out as you envision.
Also, do not assume that every wrestler knows or can perform every move. We use trained wrestlers, but at all different skill levels and from different training schools. We are also sometimes working with injuries or issues that can or may affect a wrestler's performance. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We will be honest in our opinions on whether who you picked will be right for your match.
After we have accepted your outline, only minimal changes will be allowed and must be approved by us and the wrestlers. Also, you will need to send in revised outline that includes those changes-Keeping things in one tidy place is a good thing.
After we have accepted your outline, only minimal changes will be allowed and must be approved by us and the wrestlers. Also, you will need to send in revised outline that includes those changes-Keeping things in one tidy place is a good thing.
General pricing for a 1 or 2 paragraph or less simple outline for a singles match:
5-7 minutes= $150/with ref $165 (very basic outline!!)
8-10 minutes= $200/with ref $215
12-15 minutes = $250/with ref $265
27-30 minutes= $550/with ref $560
These prices also apply to Intergender matches.
You may Paypal the funds at our email address or send a Money Order to our PO Box by the listed deadline.
Specific referees, high impact or specialty moves and more complex outlines will incur extra charges, so final quote will not be given until the outline is seen and approved. Please write us directly for quotes on 3-way dances, tag matches or other ideas. Managers are available also for an additional charge. We have limited spaces at each shoot so make sure to get your request in right away.
We will send you a DVD/Blu-Ray copy or you can download your match from our server- your choice. You can also receive both versions for a charge of $10. Matches will be sent or uploaded within a week (7 days) after the shoot unless otherwise specified.
SLAMminladies.com retains all the rights to their commercial and Internet use. Your match is for your personal enjoyment only. Please do not repost or resell.
We also offer photosets either by themselves or in conjunction with your match.
Pricing is in general:
50 picture photoset of a 2 wrestler match: $200
50 picture photoset in conjunction with your match: $50 (some leeway for 5-7 or 8-10 min matches as it's not always possible to get a full 50 usable shots in that time)
Other picture amounts are okay too- just write us for a quote. We will send the pictures either via zip file to download or on a CD at 5 X 7/200ppi resolution. Add an additional $25 if you want 4 X 6 prints made and sent.
As with the matches, SLAMminladies.com retains all commercial and Internet use rights.
Information we would need from you for a custom match:
Please send an email with the following information to us at slamminladies123@gmail.com:
Please List the Wrestlers for Your Match:
What is the Length of Your Match?
Would You Like A Referee?
(Please Specify if you prefer someone in particular)
Would You Like Your Match on a DVD disc, a Blu-Ray disc, a Download or in 2 Formats?
Please List Your Outfit Preferences for the Participants:
Did You Want a Photoset from the Match as Well?
Please Include Your Concise as Possible Outline.
If you have any questions, feel free to write us with those too or for help putting together a match.